I spend a lot of time at the kitchen sink, and I mean a LOT of time, doing the kitchen stuff we mamas do. When we sold our house 2 years ago, one thing I hated to leave was my wonderful kitchen faucet. David had replaced the old one with this awesome sprayer type that extended and shot out a powerful stream of water...I loved it! Now, if you don't spend a lot of time at the kitchen sink, you aren't going to get this, but bear with me...
Then we moved, and as much as I LOVE the house we rent now that has more space and is on beautiful land, the kitchen faucet was nothing like the one I left. It was a regular, plain old, nothing-wrong-with-it type of faucet. Boo hoo. No extension. No powerful jets of water. No little switch to change the type of stream of water. Just water coming out, and it does the job with no bells and whistles.
Now, sadly, in my mind, for several months, every time I used that thing, I was complaining, just a bit. Not necessarily out loud, but in my mind. You know, how you talk to yourself: "This thing just isn't as good as my old one; this would have taken less time with my old faucet; dang thing just isn't powerful enough..." Do think I am ridiculous yet?!
Then last year for Christmas we got a catalog for World Vision that allows you to purchase gifts like chickens, ducks, seeds, etc, for people in other countries to help them be self supported. And one of the gifts was, yep, you guessed it- clean water from a well. Gushing from an old fashioned pump type, right there on the page.
I just kept looking at it, shining faces all around it, thrilled to have water from any kind of pipe or faucet at all.
Suddenly my kitchen faucet looked so beautiful. It looked perfect. All of a sudden was in love with that faucet.
Funny how perspective can change your attitude, huh?
Now, I still sometimes start to feel that little aggravation rise up when I need to spray off some gunk and that faucet isn't doing what i think it should... But now I see it as a reminder from my Father of allllll the blessings that I have, and that things I may consider as "necessary" are unimagined luxuries for a large part of the world.
What about you? What reminders has He placed in your life of just how blessed you are? I would love to hear how He takes a frustration and makes it something beautiful to you!
Blessings and love while I head off to wash dishes,