Today was a good day

Today was a good day. A good day because I am learning to let life happen and not try to control it so much, and because today I did that. Nothing exciting happened, nothing monumental- except I walked away from a dirty, cluttered house to have breakfast with a friend and it was such a blessing. I left the unfolded laundry and lived a little beyond the walls of my house. It was a good day.

And I am blogging about it. And probably no one really have their life changed or be thrilled by what they read here, but I am blogging about it anyway. Why? Mainly because of a series of posts by Lisa-Jo Baker at, which have stirred me up not to be embarrassed of my voice, or lack of one, and to just get out there and share. She is one of the most encouraging voices in my life, coming across the email waves every day, and thru the last month I have had that weighed down feeling- you know the one when you know you are supposed to do something- every time I read her blog.

See, I write so rarely because I have fallen for the lies of comparison- "compared to her, I am not organized; compared to her I have no good cleaning tips; compared to her I don't have any great insights into the Word; compared to her my parenting must be a mess; compared to her no one reads my blog"- maybe you recognize this ridiculous train of thought? How many times have I had a thought about a Scripture, or been struck by an idea, or just wanted to write, but I didn't because negative thoughts come pounding in- "that is just dumb, no one cares, that has been said before..." BUT... today I choose not to compare myself, not to act on that voice, but instead to listen to the Voice of my Father through the voice of Lisa-Jo: "Small, my friend, is just the right size... Small is the size of every new beginning. Create without a measuring stick. And after a while you might forget the size of your voice."

So, today I lived big... for me. And yes, I am starting small, and not a soul may read this. But it feels good to share some of my soul, to stretch my voice... and I am going to choose to do it more, and to be confident that the One that matters hears every word.


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